
Scotese Plate Tectonics Paleogeography & Ice ages

Plate tectonics, Paleogeography, & Ice Ages (dual hemispheres)

Earth PaleoMap - Numerical Simulations based on Christopher Scotese analysis

Land/ PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas: 750 to 0 million years ago (Science On a Sphere) r4

Earth Paleomap - Numerical Simulations based on Christopher Scotese analysis

Science On a Sphere in Second Life: PALEOMAP after Snowball Earth (750 million years ago)

Science on a Sphere - Paleomap

Southeast Asia tectonic evolution with colour-coded terranes

Land/ PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas 0 - 750 Million Years Ago (Science On a Sphere)r2

Plate Tectonic & Paleogeography (Present-day to 540 Ma) by CR Scotese

Plate Tectonics & Paleogeography as Viewed from Space - Scotese Animation

Earth PaleoMap Reverse

Scientists discover 36-million-year geological cycle that drives biodiversity

Southeast Asia plate tectonic evolution - regional view

Plate Tectonics from 540ma to 0ma

Gondwana Breakup and the Plate Tectonic Evolution of the Tethyan Oceans

An Atlas of Phanerozoic Paleogeographic Maps: Phanerozoic Dual Globes

Southeast Asia plate tectonic evolution - plate velocities

Plate Tectonics Viewed from South Pole - Scotese Animation

250 million years of plate tectonics and sea level variations

Paleomap Earth 1100-0Ma

Scotese Plate Tectonics Paleogeography & Ice ages, Faster by x8

PaleoLakes&PaleoClimate by Scotese

Tectonic reconstruction of SE Asia