op amp

Which Rocks? Fosi Audio V3 with Various Op-Amps Demonstration

What is an operational amplifier?

Op-Amps - Using Operational Amplifiers

This Amp Hack is Changing the Hifi Industry! No more Gate Keeping

Op Amp. Pre Amp. Made with discrete components. Compatible with NE5532/OPA2604 etc

Keeley Moon Op Amp Fuzz Pedal

Introducing Top-of-the-line Audiophile Op Amps!

Op-Amp (Operational Amplifier)

Orange Dual Discrete OP-Amp

OPA1611/12: High-Performance Audio Op Amps

10 OpAmps tested with HQ sound demo - Op-Amp Rolling - Find the hidden gem !

Sparkos Op-Amps - Magic Beans or Musical Bliss? Fosi BT20A Pro Install

How to Mod your Fosi Audio ZA3: OP Amp Replacement

How to replace op-amps on Fosi Audio ZA3?

DON’T BLOW UP YOUR DAC!! (How to swap out op amps on your GESHELLI J2s DAC)

Electro Harmonix OP Amp Big Muff (with Nano Big Muff Comparison) - Review & Demo

Which OpAmp is Better for 20W Class A Amplifier - OPA2604 vs NE5532?

Do OP-AMPS make a BIG Difference? Possibly...

Dual Op Amp IC Tester Kit

DIY Projects : Universal OP Amp Tester & Audio Sweep Generator Updated : Ready To Build Now

600 Volt Tube Op Amp! Lets Power It Up.

Zero-drift Op Amp Webinar | ROHM Semiconductor

How it sounds? BT20A Pro with Various Op-Amps Demonstration

All About Op-Amps