
Construct String With Repeat Limit - Leetcode 2182 - Python

How I would learn Leetcode if I could start over

Why I focus on patterns instead of technologies

Why is everyone LYING?

Microservices are Technical Debt

Programming Languages I used at Google (C++ rant)

The BEST Coding Interview Roadmap in 2023 (free)

Minimum Limit of Balls in a Bag - Leetcode 1760 - Python

Can you steal something that's already free?

Maximum Swaps - Leetcode 670 - Python

My Theory of Learning Faster

How Notion Cut Latency by 20%

Making an Algorithm Faster

Flip Columns For Maximum Number of Equal Rows - Leetcode 1072 - Python

I can change your mind about the AI hype

Program vs Process (low level concepts)

Please don't use VSCode

Count Square Submatrices with All Ones - Leetcode 1277 - Python

Maximum Matrix Sum - Leetcode 1975 - Python

Separate Black and White Balls - Leetcode 2938 - Python

Yes, I was also Bad at LeetCode

My Calendar I - Leetcode 729 - Python

The Best Engineer I worked with at Google

Regions Cut By Slashes - Leetcode 959 - Python