
Explaining To Joe Rogan What It Feels Like To Be On Tren

On Vs. Off Steroids

Before You Take Tongkat Ali

MPMD vs Andrew Tate

The Top 2 Skincare Gamechangers I Wish I Took Seriously Sooner

Being On TRT vs. Being On 'TRT'!

How to sustainably lose fat while maintaining muscle | Peter Attia and Derek MPMD

Golden Era Cycles Vs. Modern Day Cycles

How To Build Death Star Delts In 60 Seconds

Why Steroid Abusers Age Faster

Creatine Will RAISE Your Natty Genetic Limit For Muscle Growth!? (nobody talks about this)

What % Of People On Steroids Achieved Their Natural Limit First?

Steroids Aren’t Safe, But TRT Is - True Or False?

Laser Helmets For Hair Loss Prevention - Worth It Or Not?

Reacting To The Real Life Jack Hanma Limb Lengthening Surgery With Joe Rogan

+10 Pounds In 1 Week!? How Much Can Creatine Actually Increase Muscle Size And Strength?

8 Months Newbie Gains Vs. 8 Months Saucing Off The Rip

Joe Rogan - The “Ideal” Male Physique

274 - Performance-enhancing drugs and hormones—risks, rewards, & broader implications for the public

The Ideal Protein Intake For Nattys Vs. Steroid Users

Adderall And Modafinil Vs. Real Nootropics

How often bodybuilders use steroids | Peter Attia & Derek MPMD

How testosterone changes over a man’s life @MorePlatesMoreDates

Our Highest-Stim Pre-Workout EVER - Gorilla Mode Lightning ⚡️