
The Color Temperature Paradox

Solution to the Grandfather Paradox

Is it Better to Walk or Run in the Rain?

The Rocket & String Paradox

Freezing water expands. What if you don't let it?

MAGNETS: How Do They Work?

There is no pink light

Why Isn't It Faster To Fly West?

Common Physics Misconceptions

Why is the Solar System Flat?

Our Ignorance About Gravity

Passing A Portal Through Itself

Hitting the Sun is HARD

What Is The Shape of Space? (ft. PhD Comics)

How Long Is A Day On The Sun?

Immovable Object vs. Unstoppable Force - Which Wins?

Impossible Muons

Why Do Mirrors Flip Left & Right (but not up & down)?

The True Science of Parallel Universes

The Portal Paradox

Time Travel in Fiction Rundown

Why are Stars Star-Shaped?

Simpson's Paradox

Which Planet Has the Best Eclipse?