michael scott

steve carell making the whole cast break: The Office Bloopers | Comedy Bites

Every Time Michael Scott Gets A Well-Known Phrase Wrong - The Office US

Michael Scott Once Said… Your Favourite Michael Quotes | The Office | Comedy Bites

The Roast of Michael Scott - The Office US

michael scott but the joke didn't land (Michael's Worst Jokes) | The Office US | Comedy Bites

Michael Scott being born to be a father for 15 minutes straight - The Office US

michael scott committing actual crimes for 10 minutes straight | The Office US | Comedy Bites

The Office Cold Opens but Michael is about to say something inappropriate

Michael’s Hilarious Diversity Day Disaster. 😂

Parkour PARKOUR - The Office US

michael scott absolutely hating toby for 10 minutes straight | The Office US | Comedy Bites

Michael Scott’s Emotional Farewell Song: “9,986,000 minutes” - The Office

Michael Scott's Best Negotiations | The Office US | Comedy Bites

About 40 times a year, Michael gets sick but has no symptoms.

The Office - Michael Scott's Philosophy

Be Emotionally Magnificent With Michael Scott - The Office US

michael scott's total lack of self awareness | The Office US | Comedy Bites

Killing Bin Laden, Hitler, and Toby - The Office US

Steve Carell Turns Into Michael Scott 😂

Michael Scott Vs Corporate - The Office US

the office actually needing michael scott for 20 minutes 46 seconds | The Office US | Comedy Bites

Michael moments that Jim had to step in and stop - The Office US

What Made Michael Scott's Farewell So Heartbreaking

Blow Dodge With Michael Scott - The Office US