
How the Suez Canal changed the world - Lucia Carminati

Frank Ocean - Chanel

China Fully Supports Cambodia's $1.7 Billion Canal Project, This Makes Vietnam Uneasy!

Meet the M

How Does the Panama Canal Work?

The Genius Technologies Behind Panama Canal Locks Moving World Largest Ships

The World’s Deepest Canal | Europe From Above S2 | National Geographic UK

The World's Shortcut: How the Panama Canal Works

How the Panama Canal Was Built | The Engineering that Built the World (Season 1)

The Suez Canal is the gateway between the East and West

The $300 BILLION Race To Replace The Suez Canal

Demolition, disease, and death: Building the Panama Canal - Alex Gendler

The Insane Chinese Plan to Build a Canal Across Nicaragua

Who Built the Panama Canal?

The Panama Canal: The Greatest Engineering Feat in History

What Really Happened at the Suez Canal?

200 years on the Erie Canal

How The US Stole The Panama Canal, Mapped

250. A new canal? That'll be £100 million, please

⚓ THE PANAMA CANAL - World's Most Important Waterway

Trump Says 'Illegal' Chinese Troops Operate the Panama Canal | Firstpost America

The City Built on a Toxic Dump - Love Canal Documentary

What Is Root Canal Treatment?

How the Panama Canal was built - BBC News