
Two Powers in Heaven, Part 2 (Trinity vs. Binitarianism) - Jon Garnant

Man Made Trinity

Trinity or King Cyrus?

5 Binitarian Reactions to the 3 on 3 Trinity Debate (JP Uncut)

Biblical Binitarian Collaboration! #trinity #god

Post DEBATE Discussion with 'Biblical Binitarian' on John 1

COPY Binitarian DEBATE: Was Jesus the Principal Agent of Creation in John 1?

My Binitarian Responses to James White's Case - Is Jesus Yahweh?


The Heresies of Modalism, Partialism, Unitarianism, Binitarianism & Tritheism

How Donny's Clear Proofs Clearly Disprove the Trinity

DEBATE Vs Binitarian on John 1: Is Jesus Principal Agent of Creation?

What is binitarinism @BiblicalBinitarian

Dr. Heiser's 4 Admissions on the Trinity

DEBATE Vs Binitarian John 1: Carlos opening

Hebrews 1 - My Binitarian Response to Dr. James White

Paul's Binitarian Expression: ... Personhood & Diety of the Holy Spirit - Pastor Ismael Cabason

Kelly Powers vs Mario Shepard (Binitarian) Debate: Holy Spirit the Third Person of the Trinity?

Ken Johnson refuted, Torah portions, bringing in Bible scholars&YouTubers! #bible #christianity

Live Discussion with Carlos Xavier on John 1

GOD is Love Requires the Trinitarian (Binitarian) Concept of GOD

Did Jesus See Himself As God🤔Bart Ehrman's Perspective🔍! Paul & Christian Convert | Speakers Corner


Binitarianism; HYNHO, Donor; Following the Leader