
Dutko Against All Reason

Macroevolution HAS been Observed

What now for Trump?

Biblical Historicity n Consistency

Biblical Family Values

Jesus wasn't Jesus

How ICR fudged their own study

Trying to be Progressive in the Bible Belt

Rebutting Genesis Apologetics = Debunking John n Jane 11o12

Correcting the Church of Unlimited Errors 1/3

Aron Ra Debunked


Refuting the Irrefutable Proof of God - Part III

the Evolution of Genesis

Argument from Improbability Fallacy

My testimony to the TX SBOE

Am I wrong? (w Dr Dan McClellan)

Evidence of Creation?!

Did Humans Come From Apes? Aron Ra Debates Christian Pastor On Evolution (Highlight)

Project 2025, the Imminent End of the American Experiment

How to Cheat an Election

Why do you believe in Allah

Rebutting Genesis Apologetics - 5th of 7 Alleged Myths Pt II

Southern Socialist Situation