
Impossible Physics

Evidence of Abiogenesis

The Fine Tuning argument


Radio-carbinated Dinosaurs

The Lord Who Lies

Argument from Improbability Fallacy

Archaeological Dinosaur Drawings

Dutko and I at a fork in the Road

Is it 'sad' to like Kamala?

They're Eating the Puppies and Kittens

Paley's Sandcastle argument

Dinosaur Soft Parts

Exorcist Excoriated

Historic Dinosaur Witnesses

Dutko’s Lost Squadron

Dutko with Stupid Questions

Believers Don't Want to Know - Politics

Dutko on Mount Saint Helens

What now for Trump?

Dutko Against All Reason

How Zoology Disproves Noahs Flood

Freethought and Materialism

Evolution of Hell Fire