alex bertoncini

Most Infamous MTG Cheater Caught on Camera

MTG Cheater Cheats MTG Cheater

SCGINVI - Invitational - Semifinals B - Thomas Ross vs Alex Bertoncini

SCGWOR - Legacy - Quarterfinals - Alex Bertoncini vs Steven Hicks [Magic: the Gathering]

SCGProv - Leg - Finals - Jared Boettcher vs Alex Bertoncini

SCGINVI - Invitational - Quarterfinals D - Alex Bertoncini vs Chi Hoi Yim

SCGWOR - Legacy - Semifinals - Alex Bertoncini vs Ben Glancy [Magic: the Gathering]

MTG Born of the Gods Midnight Prerelease Finals - Game 1: Alex Bertoncini vs. Jon Shunamon!

MTG Born of the Gods Midnight Prerelease Finals - Game 2: Alex Bertoncini vs. Jon Shunamon!

Magic: the Gathering's Most Infamous Cheaters | MTG

Man Drives 500 Miles to MTG Tournament, Loses in 2 Turns

The BIGGEST cheater in Magic: The Gathering... signs my card? #shorts

Cosa ne Penso dei BARI e di ALEX BERTONCINI il Cheater più famoso di Magic The Gathering MTG CHEAT[]

MTG Pro Caught Cheating and Loses Sponsors

CHEATERS! And 3 Tips on How to Deal with Them | An FDS Chat

MTG Pro Caught Cheating! Lifetime BAN For MTG Cheaters NOW!

Crazy MTG Scandals That Changed The Game

Do Not Buy This Magic: The Gathering Scam!

The First Modern Pro Tour - Philadelphia 2011

Alex Gets a Stern Warning from Poker Arbiter!

Epic Magic: The Gathering Turn 1 Wins

SCGSTL - 2012 - Legacy - Round 8 - Alex Binek vs Alex Gonzalez

SCGNASH: Round 1 - David McDarby vs Alex Hon | Standard

Pokémon Vs Magic The Gathering #magicthegathering #pokemon