The Berghof

Häusergeschichten am Obersalzberg

The remains of a building near the Berghof in 1945.

Shocking 😲 Inside the Secret Bunker of Hitler's Berghof! 🏰

Hitler's Berghof Bunker - Exploring An Off-Limits World

Metal Detecting Hitler's Haus

Hitler's Berghof. A detailed now and then video tour.

The Bombing of Hitler's House - RAF Raid On The Berghof

Adolf Hitler From Haus Wachenfeld to the Berghof

If I Were That Man / To The Berghof

Hotel Zum Turken, next to Hitler’s Berghof site, there a escape tunnels you can explore

Why Hitler's Berghof Is Not Turned Into Tourist Attraction

Stunning Landscape and Dark History in the Bavarian Alps

A drive through of the Berghof area of the Obersalzberg in Berchtesgaden, Germany.

How Hitler's Luxurious Residence Got Built | Hitler: Rise and Fall

Life at the Berghof Residence

Obersalzberg Now & Then - Episode 2: The Berghof

Last Frontier and Mech-Power Crew discuss Axis plans at the Berghof in Berchtesgaden, Germany

Bus trip to the Eagles Nest (Hitler's Berghof) #explore #Germany

Dr. Phil Visits the ruins of Hitler's Berghof part 1

Murder at the Berghof

The Berghof souvenir


The Berghof. Hitler's mountain top home.

Klovekorn The Relic Hunter - The Berghof