
BEST New Patch Series So Far! StarCraft 2

The Legendary Return of a Pro Gamer!

SHIN's NEW Swarm Host Timing Attack!

The NEW Zerg vs Terran is Amazing!

THIS is how the new Mothership should be played!

herO's NEW Protoss style looks unstoppable!

The World Champion switches to Protoss.

The FIRST New Patch StarCraft 2 Finals!

This NEW Hydralisk ability is awesome.

StarCraft 2 $1,000,000 World Championship Grand Finals!

Clem makes TERRAN MECH overpowered!

The NEW Liberator is overpowered.

MaxPax brings the 4 GATE back against Clem!

This is the BEST Game of the $1 Million StarCraft 2 World Championship!

Maru has solved Terran vs Zerg.

Serral's INSANE 100 Drone Economy!

The NEW Nexus ability is amazing!

This player is ANGRY at the Battlecruisers! (StarCraft 2)

THIS is how Protoss MUST be played!

GuMiho builds a BARRACKs inside the Protoss Main?! (StarCraft 2)


Rogue has officially broken Zerg vs Terran.

Serral vs Oliveira - This is a MUST-SEE Zerg vs Terran! (StarCraft 2)

These NEW Zerg all-ins break Clem's build order.