Reasons for CLIMATE HOPE in 2025

Most tree planting hurts the climate. How we're fixing it.

What’s Ecosia and how does it work?

Why Ecosia is a PRIVATE Search Engine

Is Ecosia legit?

Ecosia | The Search Engine That Plants Trees

Welcome to Ecosia | Trees and the Climate Crisis Explained

We're Restoring Senegal's Deserts - here's how

2020 to 2023 Glow-Up 🤩

Ecosia - ein bisschen Klimarettung am Smartphone ... | Lehrerschmidt

ECOSIA: So will die Anti-Google Firma die Erde grüner machen! | Galileo | ProSieben

Ecosia — Year in Trees 2020

Founding story of Ecosia - a chat with Christian

Is Ecosia Any Good? | 10 Questions with the Search Engine's CEO

Watch this Ecosia animation

5 Reasons to Switch from Google to Ecosia

Wie viele Bäume pflanzt Ecosia wirklich? 🤔

Why Ecosia can never be sold (and why that changes everything)

Can You Actually Bring a River Back Just with Trees?

These Trees in India are Breaking Records (we found out why)

Planting 4 million trees in Ghana🌳

Ecosia: the search engine that plants trees l Impact/Week 2024

Rebuilding Brazil's Forgotten Forest

How we use 100% of profits for the planet