
John Carmack: Doom, Quake, VR, AGI, Programming, Video Games, and Rockets | Lex Fridman Podcast #309

John Carmack on Work-Life Balance

Best Programming Language | John Carmack and Lex Fridman

John Carmack: What Went Wrong With 'Rage'

Advice for young people: Learn things deeply | John Carmack and Lex Fridman

John Carmack on John Romero | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips

John Carmack: Best programming setup and IDE | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips

Deep Thoughts Engineering Speaker Series: John Carmack

John Carmack on Designing Quake's Addictive Gameplay | Joe Rogan

John Carmack Tech Talk with UMKC-SCE

John Carmack: Elon Musk doesn't get the respect he deserves | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips

The value of hard work: Obsession gets things done | John Carmack and Lex Fridman

Why Doom is Awesome: Binary Space Partitioning

How to be a great programmer | John Carmack and Lex Fridman

Joe Asks John Carmack 'How Close Are We to Artificial Intelligence?'

Doom origin story | John Carmack and Lex Fridman

Fast Inverse Square Root — A Quake III Algorithm

Day in the life of John Carmack

QuakeCon 2013: The Physics of Light and Rendering - A Talk by John Carmack

The genius of Andrej Karpathy | John Carmack and Lex Fridman

John Carmack - The Elegant Design

John Carmack - Doom 3 Engine Technology Interview

The code for AGI will be simple | John Carmack and Lex Fridman

John Carmack on The Issues and Rewards of Bleeding Edge Engine Development