Все публикации

One easy trick to spend less time on your edits

The one lens I always recommend to sports videography beginners

The first step to becoming a sports videographer

The main difference between Premiere Pro and the cheaper editing programs

How to pick the right angle to get the shot

My process for capturing behind-the-scenes content during sports

The ONLY way to make money 💰 with NBA edits on YouTube

The ONLY way to make money 💰 with NBA edits

How a single Reel leads to BIG opportunities!

How to get more views & followers on Instagram with your sports videos

What sports videographers can get on Prime Big Deal Days

Phone camera vs mirrorless camera for sports videography

Why Filmic Pro is the best app to film sports with your phone

Beginners should edit with this instead of Premiere Pro

The biggest misconception about phone videography

Ultimate Sports Editing Bundle

How to get your exposure RIGHT when filming SPORTS

How to set the PERFECT EXPOSURE for sports (indoors & outdoors)

A pro sports media day always comes with a dose of reality check

Busted enjoying free seats at #NHL game 😬

Easy trick that saves so much time when editing sports videos

The most amazing camera setting that no one uses

The biggest fear of sports videography beginners

The biggest regret of my sports videography career