Все публикации

Try this ‘Pitch Shot’ Golf Drill to Fix your Hooks

Try this 'Rotate your Hands' Golf Drill to Fix your Hooks

Hooking - Is your Swing Path Causing your Golf Hooks?

How to Increase your Clubhead Speed with this One-Handed Golf Drill

Hooking - Is your Grip Causing your Golf Hooks?

Is your Golf Swing Effortless Power or Powerless Effort?

Hooking - Is your Alignment Causing or Compensating for your Hooks?

Bad Hip Rotation VS Good Hip Rotation for More Powerful Golf Shots

Golf Hook - What Causes Your Ball to Spin Left When Hooking the Ball

Try this Step-Through Golf Drill to Improve the Timing of your Hip Rotation

Golf Hook, Snap Hook, Duck Hook - Understanding Why You Are Hooking the Ball

Try this Alignment Stick Drill to Increase the Power in your Golf Shots

How your Golf Glove Can Keep you Focused - Mental Game Golf Tips

Should you Return to your Golf Setup Position at Impact?

How to Stay Motivated for a Whole Round of Golf - Mental Game Golf Tips

Golf Drill on How to Get Increasingly Stronger at Impact

How a ‘Pink Elephant’ Can Affect your Golf Swing - Mental Game Golf Tips

Golf Drill on How to Get Into a More Powerful Impact Position

The BEST Golf Pre-Shot Routine #golftips

What to Think Of When Standing Over the Golf Ball?

Golf Drill on How to Stop Sliding Forward

Why You Should Always Split your Golf Pre-Shot Routine in Two

How Good is the 'Lateral Rotation' in your Golf Swing?

Is Golf REALLY 90% Mental & 10% Physical?