Все публикации

build an altar with me!

the power of small devotions

an honest update about my practice (and plans for the future)

11 Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming a Hellenic Polytheist

A Day in the Life of a Hellenic Polytheist | VLOG

HEKATE | Part 3: Modern worship w/ @Vennoxes & @RamonaLuna​

Dealing with spiritual burnout.

Hellenistic Polytheism: syncretism, personalization and mystery

HESTIA : First and Last | Deity Deep Dive

Holidays & Festivals | HELLENISM 101

Adapting Traditions, Personal Syncretism and Sankta Lucia | BONUS

Deity Relationships & Interactions | A Conversation with Aiden the VVitch

From Fundamentalism to New Age to Hellenic Polytheism | VLOG

HEKATE | Part I: From Archaic to Classical

Creating a Travel Altar to Hermes | VLOG

Divination in Hellenism | HELLENISM 101

How to Worship Nymphs | Nymphs, Daimons, Heroes and Beyond

We need to talk about Hekate's Deipnon...

Purification & Cleanliness | HELLENISM 101

All About Offerings | HELLENISM 101

What is Hellenic Polytheism? | Hellenism 101

The First Harvest—Memories of Lammas

Repairing old clothes as Meditation | Calm, No Talking Sewing Video

Rains of Castamere on Lap Harp