Все публикации

Because He Lives -arr Mark Hayes; First Methodist Houston, 4/9/2023

Worthy is the Lamb -Pepper Choplin; First Methodist Houston, 4/9/2023

Crown Him, the Risen King -arr Lloyd Larson; First Methodist Houston, 4/9/2023

Risen Today -Dan Forrest; First Methodist Houston, 4/9/2023

Forsaken -Dan Forrest; First Methodist Houston, 4/7/2023

Into Your Hands I Surrender My Soul -Michael John Trotta; First Methodist Houston, 4/7/2023

Father Forgive Them -Pepper Choplin; First Methodist Houston, 4/7/2023

First Methodist Houston, Easter Rehearsal Hallelujah Chorus, April 7, 2023

All Glory Laud and Honor; First Methodist Houston, 4/2/2023

Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross; First Methodist Houston, 3/26/2023

What Wondrous Love is This; First Methodist Houston, 3/26/2023

When I Survey The Wondrous Cross -Gilbert Martin; First Methodist Houston, 3/26/2023

Ye Servants of God; First Methodist Houston, 3/19/2023

O Love that Wilt not Let Me Go; First Methodist Houston, 3/12/2023

Great is Thy Faithfulness; First Methodist Houston, 3/12/2023

I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked -Geoffrey O'Hara; First Methodist Houston, 3/5/2023

Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken; First Methodist Houston, 3/5/2023

Lord Who Throughout These Forty Days; First Methodist Houston, 2/26/2023

On Eagles Wings -Michael Joncas; First Methodist Houston, 2/26/2023

Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah; First Methodist Houston, 2/26/2023

Rode NT1 Sample: Lift Every Voice and Sing -see description (always see description)

First Methodist Houston, February 19, 2023: FULL SERVICE

Wash O God Our Sons and Daughters; First Methodist Houston, 2/19/2023

Down to the River to Pray arr. Mack Wilberg; First Methodist Houston, 2/19/2023