Все публикации

Great Is Thy Faithfulness (acapella v2); FUMC Houston, 6/11/2023

Victory in Jesus; FUMC Houston, 6/11/2023

First United Methodist Houston, June 4, 2023: FULL SERVICE

Maker In Whom We Live; FUMC Houston, 6/4/2023

Holy Holy Holy; FUMC Houston, 6/4/2023

Prelude: I'll Fly Away -arr. Mark Hayes; FUMC Houston, 6/4/2023

Come Thou Almighty King; FUMC Houston, 6/4/2023

Amazing Grace -Mack Wilberg; Ordination Service, FUMC Houston, 5/30/2023

Crown Him -Dan Forrest; Ordination Service, FUMC Houston, 5/30/2023

Lord, You Give the Great Commission (hymn); Ordination Service, FUMC Houston, 5/30/2023

I Am Not My Own -Craig Courtney; Ordination Service, FUMC Houston, 5/30/2023

A Mighty Fortress -Dan Forrest; Ordination Service, FUMC Houston, 5/30/2023

All Hail the Power of Jesus Name; FUMC Houston, 5/21/2023

Hallelujah! Resurrection Day! -Larry Shackley; FUMC Houston, 5/21/2023

Praise to the Lord; FUMC Houston, 5/14/2023

O Spirit of the Living God ; FUMC Houston, 5/28/2023

O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing; FUMC Houston, 5/28/2023

Hallelujah -Lewandowski; FUMC Houston, 5/28/2023

For the Beauty of the Earth; FUMC Houston, 5/14/2023

First United Methodist Houston, May 7, 2023: FULL SERVICE

Postlude: Toccata -Robert Jones; FUMC Houston, 5/7/2023

Come Christians Join to Sing; FUMC Houston, 5/7/2023

Hallelujah! We Shall Rise! -arr Stan Pethel; FUMC Houston, 5/7/2023

The Summons; FUMC Houston, 4/30/2023