Все публикации

Added Groovy Mister support to Super Model

Nvidia announced G-Sync with variable frequency strobing

Groovy MiSTer / video over IP and PC Zelda game

There might be an option

National Exorcism Day Photos

Reaching new heights

New Adventures in Hi-Fi

Pearl Harbor Rememberance Day Photos

GourMAME 247

Play as Michael Jordan, Shaq, and MK characters in NBA Jam TE

New MAME build with Raw Input for joysticks here

GourMAME .245 - no nag / restored games / Direct3D 9ex / cheat saving / surround sound [UPDATED]

Almost done (pixel shader wip) [EPILEPSY WARNING]

Disabling HDCP guide

MAME .240 beta build

When you change Samurai Shodown 2 from Level 4 to Level 8 difficulty

Getting close

Battle Axe upodate

This story has not yet ended

Big Blue Frontend Status

So good

Bred's revenge

Postal Worker Photos

Weapon animations and offsets