Все публикации

Installation of the laser system for ETpathfinder (no sound)

Numerical simulation of the compact binary system GW230529: Matter and waves

Numerical simulation of the compact binary system GW230529: Matter

TRAPUM Meet The Team: Prajwal Voraganti Padmanabh

TRAPUM Meet The Team: Colin Clark

What fuels the powerful engine of neutron star mergers?

Die Fermi-Mission der NASA hat fast 300 Gammapulsare entdeckt... und es werden mehr

Numerical-relativistic simulation of a binary neutron star merger

One second-long numerical-relativistic simulation of a binary neutron star merger

Numerical simulation of a black hole-neutron star merger.

20 Years GRACE Mission


Neutron star merger visualized

Continuous gravitational waves (subtitles on)

Simulation of a black-hole–neutron-star merger (GW200115)

PTDW 21 | Ask a Scientist LIVE | Prof. Dr. Harald Pfeiffer

A low-mass black hole and a neutron star merge to a black hole surrounded by an accretion disk

Exploring the Universe with Gravitational Waves

Numerical simulation of a heavy black-hole merger with horizon deformation (GW190521)

Numerical simulation of a heavy black-hole merger (GW190521)

Gravitational-wave overtones emitted by a black-hole merger with large mass-ratio (GW190814)

Numerical simulation of a black-hole merger with asymmetric masses and orbital precession (GW190412)

Numerical simulation of a black-hole merger: asymmetric masses, orbital precession & spin (GW190412)

A journey to the strings