Все публикации

H: Effects 1 (Category Compilation) #01~#06

Rotation on Two Axes [Animation]

Be Mindful of the Time Players are Giving You [Planning & Game Design]

Never Get Into Fights [Work Ethic]

Elementary School Play Testers [Team Management]

G: Animation 1 (Category Compilation) #01~#09

Amplify Both Strengths and Weaknesses [Game Essence]

Speedy Screen Transitions [Design Specifics]

Smash Bros. DOJO!! [Marketing]

The Limitations of Particle Effects [Effects]

Establishing Characters Through Their Design [Graphics]

Being Kind to Beginners [Planning & Game Design]

Turning Anything Into a Competitive Game [Grab Bag]

Making Things Clear, Even Without Words [UI]

Famicom and NES Audio [Audio]

How Good Were the Player’s Actions? [Game Essence]

When Ideas Won't Come [Work Ethic]

The Limitations of Skeletons [Animation]

Start with the Climax [Planning & Game Design]

Directors and Producers [Team Management]

F: Graphics 1 (Category Compilation) #01~#06

Manga-like Visuals [Graphics]

Game Essence in Strategy Games [Game Essence]

Echo Chambers [Work Ethic]