Все публикации

Reviewing Truglia and Ybarra's Papacy Books

First Millennium of the Papacy ft Cameron Riecker (EO vs RC)

If Roman Catholics Knew THIS, They'd Be Orthodox

The Western Fathers Did Not Teach the Filioque

The 'Solo Scriptura' Scam with Trent Horn

Top 10 Questions Roman Catholic Apologists Can't Answer

History of Christian Apologetics (Media Era)

Vigilius and Historical Ecclesiology: Response to MHFM

Dionysius is Authentic: Game Over For Protestantism?

The 1200 Years War: The Textual History of Basil’s Contra Eunomium

Why Do People Convert to Orthodoxy?

Iconodulia in Galatians 3?!?

Mary's Immaculate Conception is an Accretion

The Jews Had the Cross Before 62AD!?!

The Historical Evolution of Indulgences

Demand Better From Christian Apologetics!

Did Paul Wrongly Anticipate Christ's 'Imminent' Return?

The ROCOR-True Orthodox Schism Ft Fr John Whiteford and Fr Joseph Suaiden

Cambo Orthobros on Protestantism and RCism

Speaking in Tongues! Creed in 3 Languages

Russian Priest (Not US LARPer) Orthodox Q&A

Neighborhood Kids Attend Vigil of Presentation

Why I Am Orthodox and Not Protestant