Все публикации

Replying to the New Kalam with Joe Schmid, the Sci Phi Show 5

Evidence for a Multiverse in the CMB?

10 tips to see the Northern lights, an Aurora chasers guide #auroraborealis #northernlights

Atheists debunk confused Christian apologist Frank Turek. The SciPhi Show 4

What's inside a black hole? Fuzzballs, Echoes & The Big Bang #black hole #science #space

I was Stephen Hawking's student #physics #science #space #cosmology

Northern lights, real time video, beautiful colours #aurora #northernlights #auroraborealis

Northern lights, incredible colours, real time video

Life on Mars? Scientists reveal new evidence for habitability

Astronomers claim 'cosmic glitch' in the universe #physics #science #astronomy #cosmology

Astronomers claim universe has 'cosmic glitch'

The Sci-Phi Show 3: Hourglass Universe vs The Kalam Argument

Does the universe need a cause? #atheism #athiest #philosophy

Roger Penrose: theres something wrong with quantum mechanics #science #physics #quantum

Why Jesus Gets the Golden Rule Wrong #athiesm #athiest #philosophy

The SciPhi Show2: Atheists debunk the Moral Argument for God

DESI: New Dark energy survey results 'can change physics'

Atheists show the real meaning of the bible

The Sci Phi Show1: Fine Tuning & Genocide, a reply to Craig

Do Fish Feel Pain? Striking new evidence says yes

Hawking on the multiverse

Astronomy Debate: Dark Matter or Modified Gravity?

Has the Big Bounce been ruled out?

Atheism's Best Argument? #atheist #atheism #evolution