Все публикации

Meeting WoW's Biggest Griefer

Summoning People to the Bottom of the Ocean

Hardcore Hunter Tank EP 11 - Uldaman

Unstable warrior bugs last SM boss

Carrion My Wayward Son

Hardcore Hunter Tank EP 6 - Gnomer

Hardcore Hunter Tank EP 5 - RFK

Hardcore Hunter Tank EP 4 - BFD

Hardcore Hunter Tank EP 3 - SFK

He noticed I was following him... #wowclassic

Hardcore Hunter Tank EP 2 - WC

Stopping a 60 Griefer... at level 14.

Hardcore Hunter Tank EP 1 - RFC

When the music guy needs a raise... #darkanddarker

Everything Wrong with Pokemon's Graphics

WoW Classic Era vs Private Servers (in 2 minutes)

Steve Jobs on why WoW is dying