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This is a scary sounding thing and its done on purpose, to sell you fixes

Treating backstage for Beetlejuice has been awesome, not to mention its the most fun I’ve ever had

PT In A Minute: How To Fix Your IT Band Pain

The lack of mobility on other teams is disgusting!!! This is my daddest of dad jokes and no I will

While there will never be one exercise that will “magically” get rid of your pain

If you’ve always wanted to touch your toes it might be just this easy! #physicaltherapy

The briefcase squat is quite possibly my favorite squat variation and I use it a good bit in my

We are thrilled with the progress of our clinic and can’t wait until it’s fully finished

Yes, I know that its a satire account but it was generating enough confusion that I thought it was w

PT In A Minute: You Should Run Quietly

Tennis Elbow can be extremely painful and debilitating but if you catch it early enough you can stay

Training the hip flexor instead of stretching it will be a lot more beneficial for most people

Huge shoutout to for sharing this story and hopefully preventing people from making a similar

Rotator cuff weakness and neck pain go hand in hand, and if you try to address one without the

PT In A Minute: Fixing Your Rounded Shoulder Posture

I mostly use these with my runners but almost anyone would benefit from these movements

There are a lot of great ab exercises out there but these are 3 of my favorites

PT In A Minute: Evaluating Foot Pain

can some lawyers helps me out here? What’s the precedent for selling a commerical model not meant

No joke, this is an incredibly difficult exercise and if you’ve never done it before it can feel

A dysfunctional pelvic floor should not be normalized

PT In A Minute: Big 3 Exercises For Low Back Pain

I love seeing PTs get the shine they deserve, but seriously Julie, you’ve been working so hard, go

This is a super simple trick that obviously won’t work for everyone