Все публикации

Cats. In. Space.

Swimming with a mathematical advantage


Naming genes

The 86 year old Olympic medallist

The Gambler's Fallacy

Nymph Piss and Gravy Orgies

Why some words are funnier than others

Keep Calm and Carrot On - The lie about carrots and night vision

How attractive are men, according to women?

The most satisfying location in the world (mathematically)

Snow blind Tech Bros

Eel weirdness - part 5

Eel weirdness - part 4

Eel weirdness - part 3

Eel weirdness - part 2

Eel weirdness - part 1

Which women do men find most attractive?

An unfortunate naming accident

How mathematicians fought the WW2 panzers

Can AI really detect your emotions?