Все публикации

Mr Batman’s babbling buffoon show 11. Do homosexuals deserve the death penalty?

Sam Harris & Anil Seth Conversation. Where does consciousness begin.

Sam Harris and Ian Bremmer discuss how the war in Ukraine will end.

Sam Harris discusses did Joe Rogan’s apology go too far.

Darth’s clown show video 66. Darth Dawkins teaches us about fossils.

Sam Harris Free Will Thought Experiment Number 2.

Steven Pinker and Daniel Dennett in Conversation. Where are we heading

Sam Harris Free will thought experiment.

Sam Harris on stage destroying religion.

Sam Harris discussing BLM and Police brutality.

Sam Harris and Steven Pinker live on stage having a conversation.

Sam Harris debates Ezra Klein about what he said about Sam, Charles Murray, and Race.

Sam Harris discussing feminism‘s double standard.

Christopher Hitchens vs. Peter Hitchens debate does god exist and he is not great.

Sam Harris discussing feminism.

Sam Harris vs. Jonathan Haidt. Sam and Jonathan debate religion and morality.

Mr Batman’s babbling buffoon show 3. Mr Batman calls The Atheist Experience Show.

Sam Harris discussing wokeness.

Darth’s clown show video 48. Darth Dawkins is acting like a rat in a maze that’s lost.

Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris have a conversation about God.

Jordan Peterson discusses the problem of perception. 

Elon Musk was asked about aliens. Check out his answer.

Elon Musk is asked what will transportation be like in 50 years.

Elon Musk was asked, what is life?