Все публикации

Αυτοάμυνα | Μαθαίνοντας τεχνικές | Πώς να ξεφύγεις από τον τοίχο | CG

Self defense | Training | Throws Off The Wall |CG

Self defense | Drills | Offensive Defence Under Fire | CG

27b. | The Impact of Danger Induced Adrenaline | ENG Subs | CG

Self defense | Ref Animal Day 03 | Discussions in Class

Self defense | Applications | Testing & Correcting | CG

Self defense | Ref. Basic Techniques | Discussions in Class

27a. | The Impact of Danger Induced Adrenaline | ENG Subs | CG

Αυτοάμυνα | Μαθαίνοντας | Πρώτες βοήθειες | Πώς να μεταφέρεις τραυματίες | CG

Self defense | Ref. Learning how to carry the wounded | Discussions in Class

Self defense | Ref. Training Applications | Discussions in Class

Self defense | Ref. Training Applications | Discussions in Class

Self defense | Ref. Back to Basics | Discussions in class 37 | ENG Subs | CG

Αυτοάμυνα | Μαθαίνοντας | Κάλυψη, Εισχώριση, Αντεπίθεση | CG

Αυτοάμυνα | Μαθαίνοντας τεχνικές | Πώς να χρησιμοποιείς μπαστούνι/μαγκούρα | CG

Self defense | Ref. Learning how to use a walking stick | Discussions in class 35 | CG

Self defense | Ref. Ingress to a kick | Discussions in class 34 | CG

26.| Essential Combat Skills for Modern Civilians | ENG Subs | CG

Αυτοάμυνα | Μαθαίνοντας τεχνικές | Πως να κάνεις κλοτσιές ποδηλάτου | CG

Self defense | Ref. How to bicycle kick | Discussions in class 33 | CG

Self defense | Ref. How to Push | Discussions in class 32 | CG

Self defense | Ref. Applications | Discussions in class 31 | CG

Self defense | Applications | Testing & Correcting | CG

25.| From self-protection to self-defense | ENG Subs | CG