Все публикации

OpenDev Keynotes - All Sessions

OpenDev CI/CD Joint Collab Conclusion

voiding Infrastructure At Rest the Power of Immutable Infrastructure

Deploy from CICD to Production in one click

DevOps implementation for OpenStack on Kubernetes

Aptomi application delivery engine for Kubernetes

Add intelligence to your CI CD with Spinnaker

Zero to Continuous Delivery

DevOps OR Security moving to AND

CI CD Build and Pipelines For OpenStack At Scale

Canary and Blue Green Continuous Delivery of OpenStack Applications

Ansible Lightning Talk

Open CD for Open Infrastructure Hybrid and Multi Cloud Deployments with Spinnaker

CI CD in ETSI NFV environment

Zuul v3 For Gating

We Came Together, Now What?

Free Software Needs Free Tools

Closing Remarks Call to Action for Collab Session work

How Devops Evolves as the Cloud Does

Zuul Testing the Future

CI CD of Microservices with Containers

Why OpenStack People Should Pay Attention to Spinnaker

Continuous Delivery Across Communities

Welcome & Opening