Все публикации

A slightly unusual introduction to the p-adic numbers

Lattices 2

Lattices 1

Solutions to 4a + 6b = k (using generating functions and applications to modular forms)

Morphisms from Spec K to X

Algebraic Geometry Codes 4 (Codes from Invertible Sheaves)

Modern Algebraic Geometry: The category of Affine Schemes and the category of Rings (12)

Modern Algebraic Geometry: Locally Ringed Spaces and Schemes (11)

Sheaves 7 (Direct Image and Inverse Image)

Modern Algebraic Geometry : Stalks of the structure sheaf of an affine scheme (10)

Sheaves 6 (Injectivity, Surjectivity and Exactness of Morphisms of Sheaves)

Sheaves 5 (Universal Property of Sheafification)

Gaussian Integers and Infinitely many Primes of the form 4k+1

Sheaves 4 (Construction of sheafification)

Sheaves 3 (Morphisms of Presheaves)

Rational and Dominant Maps

Sheaves 2 (Stalks)

Algebraic Geometry Codes 3 (Divisor class group and monomial equivalence)

Algebraic Geometry Codes 2 (Bound on the dimension and minimum distance).

Modern Algebraic Geometry: The Structure Sheaf (of an Affine Scheme) (9)

Modern Algebraic Geometry: Sheaves on a basis (and structure sheaf) (8)

Sheaves 1

Modern Algebraic Geometry: Principal Opens, Localization and Spectrum (7)

Modern Algebraic Geometry: Invertible Elements and Nonvanishing (6)