Все публикации

Real Numbers | Euclid's Division Lemma

ABATE | A word a day keeps dementia away|GMAT|GRE|CAT #learnenglish #vocabulary #vocabularybuilding

ABSCOND |A word a day keeps dementia away|GRE|GMAT|CAT #learnenglish #vocabulary #vocabularybuilding

ABASH |A word a day keeps dementia away| CAT|GRE|GMAT #learnenglish #vocabulary #vocabularybuilding

ABASE | A word a day keeps dementia away|CAT|GRE|GMAT #learnenglish #vocabulary#vocabularybuilding

Abstain |A word a day keeps dementia away|GRE|GMAT|CAT #learnenglish #vocabulary #vocabularybuilding

Abdicate |A word a day keeps dementia away|GRE|GMAT|CAT#learnenglish #vocabulary #vocabularybuilding

Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management | NCERT | Standard 8 | Science

Aptitude Series | Simple Interest | by Chinmaya ASV

Redundant Literal Rule | Digital Electronics | Switching Theory and Logic Design

Guided Meditation for Interviews | Confidence Instilling | Feel Good | Visualisation

9s Complement | 10s complement | Subtraction Methods| Detailed Video with Examples

Space Quiz | Astronomy Facts | How good your knowledge of the Big Bang?

Python for Data Science | Lesson 1 | Anaconda Installation and Jupyter Notebook

Chapter 2 : Microorganisms - Friend and Foe | NCERT | Standard 8 | Science

Signal Flow Graph | Mason's Gain Formula | All you need to Know| Transfer Function of a system

Combinational Circuit Vs Sequential Circuit

11 Rules of Block Diagram Reduction | Control Systems

Block Parity | Error Detection Code #2

PARITY | Odd and Even | Error Detection Code #1

Routh Hurwitz Stability Criterion | Case Three: First Element of Row is Zero

Routh Hurwitz Stability Criterion | Case Two: Row of Zeros with Example

Routh Hurwitz Stability Criterion | Case One: No Zeros with Example

Location of Poles on the S Plane | Effect on the stability of a System