Все публикации

An interview with Mark Olly, author of 'Europe’s Roswell: 40 Years Since Impact'

Trey Hudson, author of 'The Meadow Project: Explorations into the South’s Skinwalker Ranch'

Author J.K. Scott shares her paranormal experiences and publishing secrets

Are you a human-alien hybrid? How to tell, with 'Forbidden Questions' author Gwen Farrell

Extraterrestrials in the Holy Bible? A discussion about ancient aliens with Rev. Michael S. Carter

Animal communication: exploring the human-animal bond through psychic means

The lore and imagery of Halloween, with horror author and screenwriter Lisa Morton

Hypnotherapist Natalie Candela discusses her work with OPUS and UFO/alien 'experiencers'

NASA insider gives first-hand account of Apollo 17 UFO encounter, confirms cover-up in place

Medical intuition: a bridge between the physical and the metaphysical? With Cay Randall-May, Ph.D.

Revisiting the Kingdom of Nye: a tribute to Art Bell, with special guest Vince Ynzunza

Anomalies goes to court! Recent supreme court decisions suggest anomalies afoot in the legal system

The David Grusch revelations and UFO contactees: keys to disclosure? With Les Velez of OPUS

ET-human interaction and 'exoconsciousness,' with Rebecca Hardcastle Wright

Nancy du Tertre, author of “the Skeptical Psychic,” explains how psychic ability works in the brain.

UFOs and spirit photography: a discussion with Nancy Myers, founder of The Orb Connection

Dream interpretation: an interview with certified hypnotherapist Dr. Natalie Candela

Jason Wolf joins us to discuss the future of A.I., 'free energy' devices, UFO propulsion and more

Reba Wissner, Ph.D. discusses her book 'A Dimension of Sound: Music in The Twilight Zone'

A conversation with Richard Lang, director of Aerospace Research Investigation Reporting Agency

UFOs and entity encounters in New Zealand: a report by UFOCUS NZ Director Suzy Hansen

What is Sasquatch doing in my front yard? A fascinating discussion with Mardi McCray

Investigating the paranormal with Sherry Mulholland. Topics: ghost hunting and recent UFO shootdowns

A conversation with former police officer and WA State MUFON Director James Clarkson