Все публикации

Why Bigfoot research deserves to be taken seriously, with filmmaker Brett Eichenberger

Little Green Men: the Kelley-Hopkinsville Encounter, with Geraldine Stith

Former police officer and pet psychic Dwight Hull discusses his animal communication experiences

Flying Saucer Party to focus on UFO disclosure, says Lewis County Museum Director Jason Mattson

The Phoenix Lights 27 years later: mysteries remain as plot thickens, with special guest Lynne Kitei

Arizona's MUFON Director discusses the inner workings of the world's best known UFO organization

Deb Kauble, the central figure in Budd Hopkins' NYT best seller 'Intruders,' recounts her experience

Founders of UAP-PD reveal stigma and suppression of UFO investigation within law enforcement

Are new energy breakthroughs the key to decoding 'paranormal bigfoot' and associated mysteries?

Roswell Revisited: Kevin Randle shares the latest facts on history's most infamous UFO event

Veteran UFO researcher Stan Gordon discusses potential connections between UFOs and bigfoot

Ghosts of the Old Southwest (and elsewhere), with psychics Rhonda and Dwight Hull

'The Science Behind the Mysterious Mummies of Nazca, Peru,' with special guest Robert Farrell

Men (and Women) In Black: who are they and what do they want? UFO experiencer Denise Stoner explains

Anomalies welcomes 'Haunted Graveyard of the Pacific' author Ira Kitmacher of Pretty Gritty Tours

Victoria, chancellor of the Omicron 'space force,' discusses her group's effort to liaise with ETs

The Council of Eight: an ex-police officer's encounters with alien intelligence and other dimensions

Is Disclosure imminent? An urgent update with 'UFO Lobbyist' Stephen Bassett

Ghosts and the bloodline of Jesus, with psychic and genealogist Rhonda Hull

Conversations with the Other Side: communicating with ETs, angels and spirit guides

Destructive cults and UFO abduction experiences, with mind control expert Mady Tobias

Bigfoot Roundtable: witnesses agree Sasquatch exists, but is creature more than flesh and blood?

The enduring mystery of Mothman and its connections with the UFO phenomenon, psi and...Bigfoot?

An interview with Mark Olly, author of 'Europe’s Roswell: 40 Years Since Impact'