Все публикации

Future Plate Tectonics: Pangea Proxima - Vignette 10

Plate Velocities - Vignette 09

Formation of Pangea - Vignette 08

The Wilson Cycle - Vignette 07

Terrane Accretion - Vignette 06

Continental Collision - Vignette 05

Volcanic Arcs - Vignette 04

Hot Spots & Hot Spot Tracks - Vignette 03

Continental Breakup - Vignette 02

Continental Rifting - Vignette 01

How Hot Did It Get in the Past?

Phanerozoic Global Temperatures

Plate tectonics, Paleogeography, & Ice Ages (dual hemispheres)

Scotese Plate Tectonics Paleogeography & Ice ages

Ancient Oceans & Continents: Plate Tectonics 1.5 by - Today, by CR Scotese

Plate Tectonics 600Ma to Today by CR Scotese

Plate Tectonics 400 Ma to Today by CR Scotese

Plate Tectonics 300 Ma to Today by CR Scotese

Plate Tectonics 200Ma to Today by CR Scotese

Plate Tectonics 750Ma to Today by CR Scotese

1.5 billion years of Plate Tectonics by C.R. Scotese

Precambrian Animation by Scotese & Elling v01_082017

Precambrian Animation by CR Scotese
