Все публикации

A Brief Introduction to DIF and Measurement Invariance

On ordered categorical variables, latent response distributions and thresholds

Constructing Measures Part 10: Item Design with Constraints

Constructing Measures Part 9: A High-Level Overview of Item Design

Constructing Measures Part 8: Construct Map of Psychological Functioning

Constructing Measures Part 7: Example Construct Map of the Physical Functioning-10 Measure

Constructing Measures Part 6: Construct Maps Expanded

Constructing Measures Part 5: Intro to Measurement Models

Constructing Measures Part 4: Intro to an Outcome Space

Constructing Measures Part 3: Intro to designing items

Constructing Measures Part 2: Introduction to the Construct Map

Constructing Measures Part 1

What is the item response theory (IRT) response probability?

Defining true scores and latent variables with expectations

Introduction to Simple Structure in Factor Analysis

2 Disadvantages of Item Response Theory (IRT)

2 Advantages of Item Response Theory (IRT)

Installing and Loading MANY R packages with 1 line (kind of)

Factor Analysis Explained - Connecting the matrix representation with path diagrams

Introduction to Factor Analysis

Introduction to the Rasch Model

Introduction to Item Response Theory 1PL and 2PL Models

A Brief Introduction to Item Response Theory (IRT)

Creating ordered groups of a continuous variable in R