Все публикации

Analog Design interview_ Find poles,zero and Transfer function and Draw Bode Plot

Analog Circuit Design interview_ find equivalent resistance and capacitance across AB

Analog Circuit Design Engineer interview_ find the current trough the resistor

Analog Circuit Design Engineer Interview _ Find input conductance

Analog Circuit Design Engineer Interview _ Find node voltage at X

Analog Circuit Design Engineer Interview _Plot op-amp Vout, V-, V+ when switch is 0 and 1

Analog Circuit Design Engineer Interview _Plot Vout of RC circuit with Current input

Two stage op-amp design on cadence-01_ Miller's Compensation

Analog Circuit Design Engineer Interview _ Asymmetrical Op-amp analysis

Analog Circuit Design Engineer Interview _Find Overall Gm of the circuit

Analog Circuit Design Engineer interview_Find small signal currents with proper directions and WHY

Analog Circuit Design Engineer interview_ Find min. value of R2

Analog Circuit Design Engineer interview _ find output voltage amplitude in dBV and phase wrt input

Analog Circuit Design Engineer Interview_ Find Small signal gain

Analog Circuit Design Engineer Interview_ Find the Input impedance intuitively

Find Poles and Zero intuitively of LDO

Analog Circuit Design Engineer Interview _ Find the voltage across inductor at steady state

Analog Circuit Design Engineer Interview_ Find the average current trough the terminal

Analog Discussion-05 on Op-Amp Circuits adder,subtractor, integrator circuits with step response

Analog Design Engineer Interview _ Intuitive analysis to plot output waveform and find time constant

Analog Discussion-04 on RLC circuits with different Current excitation _ introduction of Op-amp

Analog Design Engineer Interview_ Find Vout(S) when S=0 and S=infinity

Analog Discussion-03 on RC,RL circuits intuitive transient and frequency response analysis

Find the small signal gain_ Non conventional Circuit Analysis