Все публикации

I Lived in Luxury Doomsday Bunkers

I Learned Illegal Skills

I Tested Celebrity Owned Restaurants

I Tested Weird Company Policies

I Created a Viral Rapper to “Prove it’s Not Luck”

I Tricked Pawn Stars with a FAKE $2M Item

I Tested Weird Store Policies

I Searched 100 Thrift Stores

Can You Guess a Strangers Name?

I Tested a 1-Star Chiropractor

I Searched 100 Billionaires Dumpsters

$1 Sushi at 5 Star Restaurant

Logan Paul's $90,000 Couch

I Surprised Airrack with a Gift...

I Returned Logan Paul's $90K Couch to Airrack

I Gave a Fly the Best Day EVER

How I Snuck Into the Grammy's...

Calling Out Tristian Tate...

I Survived in a Random Country for 7 Days

My First Video.