Все публикации

Every Single LINQ Extension Method With Examples | .NET & C# Essentials

Why Developers Are OBSESSED With Obsidian

Clean Architecture vs Domain-Driven Design (DDD) - Understand the Difference

This BIG Modeling Mistake Is Ruining Your Performance

The ULTIMATE Clean Architecture Project Template for .NET

Understand Clean Architecture in 7 Minutes

Winglang in 10 minutes

.NET in 300 seconds

DDD's Holy Grail

The .NET Extension Method You Should Know About

The complete guide to unit testing structure best practices

How Sharp is Your C#? | Riddle #2

Domain Events | Clean Architecture & Domain-Driven Design from scratch | Part 17

Why is everyone getting this riddle wrong? | How sharp is your C# | Riddle 1

The Identity Paradox | DDD, EF Core & Strongly Typed IDs

EF Core, DDD, and Clean Architecture - Mapping Aggregates to Relational Databases

Working at Microsoft - The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Entity Framework Core Tutorial - Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

Make the .NET CLI Your Best Friend | .NET & C# Essentials

C# Async Await Mistakes | Part 1

VIM shortcuts but they keep getting crazier

REST + DDD + CA + CQRS - When it all plays together | CA & DDD From Scratch | Part 14

IAsyncEnumerable, My Favorite C# 8 Feature That No One Is Using

Domain Layer Structure & Skeleton | Clean Architecture & DDD From Scratch Tutorial | Part 13