Все публикации

Why Does Time Go Faster As You Get Older?

The Cashless Effect | Why You’re Spending More Than You Think

How to Train for a Marathon (Using Behavioral Science)

The Decoy Effect | How Companies Make You Buy The Pricier Option

How The Internet is Designed To Make Us “Agree” Without Reading

Are You Actually Happier With More Options? | Paradox of Choice

Why Prices Ending in .99 Are Fooling Your Brain

Reactance | Science Behind Reverse Psychology

The Ultimatum Game | The Greatest Example of Human 'Irrationality'

Hedonic Adaptation | Why You'll Never Have Enough In Life

The Google Effect | Why You Can't Remember Things

What Is Confirmation Bias? | Psychological Explanation & Examples

The IKEA Effect | The Real Reason You Love Their Furniture

Ben Franklin Effect | Make People Like You With A Favor

How Our Rat Brains Keep Us Addicted To Social Media

Why Do We Twitch Before Falling Asleep? | Hypnic Jerks

Bouba/Kiki Effect | Why Some Words Sound Round and Sharp

90% of People Get The Same Answers | Bouba/Kiki Test

Psychology of the Muller-Lyer Illusion

Clever Hans | The Smart Horse Behind Unconscious Cues

Can You Read This Entire Video? | Jumbled Words & Typoglycemia

Apophenia Explained | Pareidolia, Confirmation Bias, & Other Pattern Errors

Theory of Mind | False Belief Tasks & Understanding Mental States

What Is Decision Fatigue? | Psychological Explanation & Solutions