Все публикации

Docker for Machine Learning

Learn Docker with me

Building our first simple recommender system using popularity (Non-Personalized)

CogVLM: The best open source Vision Language Model

How to use ChatGPT/GPT-4 API

🔴 LIVE 🔴 Learning to Rank is good for your ML Career | Learn RecSys with me #4

🔴 LIVE 🔴 Learn RecSys with me #3

Paper Time: The Netflix Recommender System


Top 30 Twitter Accounts for Machine Learning Research

Open source AI is taking over - Leaked Google Document

Deep Work: How to build your skill

Geoffrey Hinton On The Dangers of AI

[Paper Review]: Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Predictions by Google

[Paper Review]: Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations

[Paper Review]: Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems

MLBros #1: Exploring LLMs, SAM, SEEM, TrackAnything & DINOv2

PyTorch Lightning #10 - Multi GPU Training

PyTorch Lightning #9 - Profiler

Computer Vision Trends & Deployment with Francesco Zuppichini | The Real AI Podcast #2

PyTorch Lightning #8 - Logging with TensorBoard

Aniket Maurya: Lightning 2.0 and Open Source Machine Learning | The Real AI Podcast #1

PyTorch Lightning #7 - Callbacks

🔴 LIVE 🔴 How to build a career in AI