Все публикации

31 - Normal prior conjugate to normal likelihood - proof 1

An introduction to vectors and dual vectors

What are dual vectors?

How to visualise a one-form

Cauchy Schwarz Inequality Proof part 2

Independence in statistics an introduction

Cauchy Schwarz Inequality Proof

The intuition behind Jensen's Inequality

76 method of moments log normal distribution

75 method of moments normal distribution

Jensen's Inequality proof

Zero conditional mean of errors

78 method of moments linear regression

44 - Posterior predictive distribution a negative binomial for gamma prior to poisson likelihood

40 - Poisson model: crime count example introduction

41 - Proof: Gamma prior is conjugate to Poisson likelihood

37 - The Poisson distribution - an introduction - 1

38 - The Poisson distribution - an introduction - 2

39 - The gamma distribution - an introduction

36 - Population mean test score - normal prior and likelihood

34 - Normal prior and likelihood - prior predictive distribution

32 - Normal prior conjugate to normal likelihood - proof 2

35 - Normal prior and likelihood - posterior predictive distribution

Finite sample properties of Wald + Score and Likelihood Ratio test statistics