Все публикации

Yonatan Harpaz (Paris): A categorical approach to the quadratic conductor formula

Christian Ausoni (Paris): Adjunction of roots to ring spectra, with applications to THH and K-theory

Birgit Richter (Hamburg): Loday Constructions of Tambara functors

Emanuele Dotto (Warwick): Characteristic polynomials of self-adjoint endomorphisms

Marc Levine (Essen): Bott residue theorems in quadratic intersection theory, with applications

Kathryn Hess (Lausanne): Hochschild shadows for motivic spaces and spectra

Thomas Nikolaus (Münster): (Generalized) Prismatic cohomology and the motivic filtration

Michael A. Hill (Los Angeles): Generalized slice filtrations

Niels Feld (Toulouse): From motivic homotopy theory to birational geometry

Marc Hoyois (Regensburg): Non-A^1-invariant motivic spectra

Ayelet Lindenstrauss (Bloomington): Loday Constructions on Spheres and Tori

Oliver Röndigs (Osnabrück): A motivic version of the Adams conjecture

Tom Bachmann (Mainz): cdh-local motivic cohomology for singular schemes

Ran Azouri (Paris): Computing motivic nearby cycles and their mondromy

Marco Robalo (Paris): Gluing Invariants of Donaldson-Thomas Type

Sabrina Pauli (Essen): Counting curves over an arbitrary field using tropical geometry

Fangzhou Jin (Shanghai): The quadratic Artin conductor of a motivic spectrum

Tasos Moulinos (Paris): Betti realizations of noncommutative motives

Charanya Ravi (Bangalore): Equivariant localization theorem