Все публикации

Making Killers Regret Chasing Me In DBD!

Pulling Off Impossible Escapes In DBD!

Poised Got Shadow BUFFED!

Impressive 5 Gen Chases In DBD!

Adrenaline Got Shadow BUFFED!

Oddballers Is Actually HILARIOUS!

Ayrun VS Prestige 100 Billy

Ayrun VS Prestige 100 Nurse

The SUPER Endgame Build!

The Most Fun Game Of DBD!

Looping Killers For Eternity In DBD!

DBD's Most Difficult Endgame Escape!

The Slide Vault TECH!

I Found Another Infinite In DBD!

The Hardest Fast Vault In DBD!

The Best Ending To A DBD Match EVER!

Making Facecamping Killers RAGE QUIT!

Tunnelled By SALTY Nurse For 5 Gens!

Power Puff Girls Destroy Killers In DBD!

Trying Out Quick Gambit!

Dead by Daylight Slander

The Dumb TECH Challenge!

The Accidental Flashbang BUFF!

The Biggest Coincidence In DBD!