Все публикации

She kept coming back for more 😂 #dbd #shorts

The Anti Tunnel Build In DBD!

Killers Love Tunnelling Me In DBD!

When you Trust your Friends 🥹 #dbd #shorts

5 Ways to Juke Bubba but… 😂 #dbd #shorts

Abusing Infinites In Dead by Daylight!

The Most Confusing DBD Moments 😂 #dbd #shorts

3 Ways to Outplay Spirit 💀 #dbd #shorts

3 Ways to Outplay Bubba 💀 #dbd #shorts

Locker Flashlight Saves STILL WORK!

Holing Killers In DBD 😂 #dbd #shorts

Pre-Nerf Key VS Tunneller 🙌 #dbd #shorts

Hope Is Becoming The META!

When Snowmen were in Dead by Daylight 😂 #dbd #shorts

I Got Accused Of Cheating In DBD!

Abusing The Drop Vault TRICK!

This doesn’t work anymore! 😫 #dbd #shorts

Winning Every Mindgame In DBD!

Hope Makes Looping Easy In DBD!

Background Player Is Actually BROKEN!

The Most EVIL Build In DBD!

Abusing The Anti-Slug Build In DBD!

Making Killers Hate Me In DBD!