Все публикации

It’s All About the Bishop Pair

The Sveshnikov Is Positionally Sound

Magnus Carlsen’s DJ Stuns With a Beautiful Checkmate

The Kramnik Variation Is Not As Stable as It Seems

Walking on an Extra Pawn

The Recurring Pawn Sacrifice Trap in the Reverse Grand Prix

Mechanically Blocking the A-Pawn With Queen a5

Mimancs Tragically Misses a GM Scalp!

A Perfunctory Victory in the Grob’s Attack

The Mysterious a6 Line Against the b3 Sicilian

The King’s Indian Defense Does Not KID Around

Four Pawn Pushes and a Queen Move in the Early Opening

GM Magnus Carlsen Pins and Wins GM Daniel Naroditsky’s Pieces

GM Diptayan Ghosh Faces New Theory in the Czech Benoni

A 500-Rating Point Upset Aganist a Super GM!

GM Alexander Morozevich Transmogrifies Symmetry Into Attacks

This Is Chess Sparta!

Magnus Carlsen Has His Cake and Eats It, Too

Attacking Chess Legend Alexander Morozevich Loses to His Favorite Defense!

Magnus Carlsen Plays the Benoni Against Alireza Firouzja!

The Will to Win

Venavi, the Best Defensive Player You’ve Never Heard Of

A Rook and Two Pawns Duke It Out Against Two Knights

FM Non-Ronnie Colmen Lifts Up a Stone