Все публикации

Ch03-3 The Normal Distribution (Part 2)

Ch03-2 The Exponential, Gamma and Chi-square Distributions (Part 2)

Ch03-2 The Exponential, Gamma and Chi-square Distributions (Part 3)

Ch03-2 The Exponential, Gamma and Chi-Square Distributions (Part 1)

Installing Packages in the System Library (R Studio Server)

Ch03-1 Random Variables of the Continuous Type (Part 2)

Ch03-1 Random Variables of the Continuous Type (Part 1)

Ch02-7 The Poisson Distribution (Part 2)

Ch02-7 The Poisson Distribution (Part 1)

Ch02-6 The Negative Binomial Distribution (Part 1)

Ch02-7 The Poisson Distribution (Part 3)

Ch02-6 The Negative Binomial Distribution (Part 2)

Ch02-5 Hypergeometric Distributions

Ch02-4 The Binomial Distribution (Part 4)

Ch02-4 The Binomial Distribution (Part 3)

Ch02-4 The Binomial Distribution (Part 2)

Ch02-4 The Binomial Distribution (Part 1)

Ch02-3 Special Mathematical Expectations

Ch02-2 Mathematical Expectation

Ch02-1 (pmf with the Law of Large Numbers in R)

Ch02-1 Random Variables of the Discrete Type

Ch01-5 Bayes' Theorem

Ch01-3 Roomie Problem

Ch01-3 (Birthday Problem)