Все публикации

RStudio: Saving and Moving Files

Ch05-1 Approximating and Computing Area

Ch06-8 Bayesian Estimation (Part 2)

Ch06-8 Bayesian Estimation (Part 1)

Ch05-9 Limiting Moment-Generating Functions

Ch05-7 Approximations for Discrete Distributions

Ch05-6 The Central Limit Theorem

Ch05-5 Random Functions Associated with Normal Distributions

Ch05-4 The Moment-Generating Function Technique

Ch05-3 Several Independent Random Variables

Ch05-2 Transformations of Two Random Variables (Part 1)

Ch05-2 Transformations of Two Random Variables (Part 3)

Ch05-2 Transformations of Two Random Variables (Part 2)

Ch05-1 Transformations of One Random Variable (Part 1)

Ch04-4 Bivariate Distributions of the Continuous Type (Part 2)

Ch04-4 Bivariate Distributions of the Continuous Type

Ch04-3 Conditional Distributions (Part 2)

Ch04-3 Conditional Distributions (Part 1)

Ch04-2 The Correlation Coefficient

Ch04-1 Bivariate Distributions of the Discrete Type

Ch03-3 The Normal Distribution (Part 3)

Ch03-3 The Normal Distribution (Part 1)

Ch03-3 The Normal Distribution (Part 2)

Ch03-2 The Exponential, Gamma and Chi-square Distributions (Part 2)