Все публикации

Crazy project making an HHO generator!

Making a Voltmeter from an Arduino!

Using Arduino to stabilize servo

An Arduino can do what!

Going deep into caves

Draining a battery with an Arduino

Fun game to make with the Raspberry pi

The future of bartenders is here!

3d printing my face!

3d printed Infinity cube?

Stepping motor with the Raspberry Pi

Using a GUI on a Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi controlling a motor

Raspberry Pi with a LED counter

How to use a Raspberry Pi and LCD screen

Raspberry Pi and LCD screen

Making an auto clicker with a mouse!

3D printing with TPU

Power Supply for a Breadboard

Raspberry Pi with a LED matrix board

Raspberry Pi Humidity Sensor

Raspberry Pi and photoresistor

Free power from under a transmission line?

Raspberry Pi Auto Clicker